Monday, August 20, 2012

Morning Update

I’m happy to report that Matthew is definitely on the mend. He’s still waking up a ton during the night (and right now his parents are both running on fumes! We could use some serious sleep around here), but during the day, he has a bit of a renewed sense of energy. He is doing more playing and exploring, he’s back to his regular eating schedule (hooray!)

He is still preferring to sleep on the floor, as evidenced by the photo below of him napping in the middle of the kitchen (and believe it or not, he slept for over an hour like that with the rest of us going about our normal activities around him!).

The doctor told us that by day four (which is today), we would see a remarkable improvement in both the swelling of his mouth and his energy level, and it’s true. Thank goodness for the body’s amazing ability to heal and recover.

Unfortunately tomorrow we have to go back to Children’s hospital for a scheduled suture removal. That means no bottles in the morning and a procedure that includes some kind of anesthesia that’s performed in the surgery center. The blessing about our procedure tomorrow is that we are due to arrive there at 6:45 am, so Matthew won’t have to go the whole morning without eating. And the procedure should take just a coupel of hours, instead of the whole day.

This time my dad, Bruce, is going along with me while Maya and Sam stay in Everett with my mom. And if all goes as planned, we should be back home by mid-day.

We’ve had a couple of wonderful meals brought in from people at our church, and on Wednesday a good friend has offered to do some house cleaning for us. Neighbors have offered to have our big kids over for play dates, my parents and sister are lending an extra hand, and we’re continuing to move through this crazy surgery season and toward health and recovery for Matthew.

We’re grateful for all the goodness and love in our lives amidst what is truly a very strange, intense season!

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha - love the floor-sleeping photo. With deep restful sleep like that, no wonder he is healing so well. His new smile is a miracle. But I can see why you miss his pre-surgery smile.
