Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sam's Baptismal Birthday

Today, February 15, is the 2nd anniversary of Sam's baptism. We got out his baptismal candle and lit it, then talked about the day he was baptized. Our good friend and pastor Amy McNelly was the one who did the ceremony and poured the water over Sam's head. Joel and Nina Shoop are his godparents and they joined us in Pullman for the service.

I like celebrating our kids' baptismal birthdays. Their baptisms were important to me (and hopefully to them), and I think it's wonderful to celebrate their affirmation of God's love for them.

Here's my sweet boy the day BEFORE his baptism in 2009

And here he is today with his baptismal candle lit

1 comment:

  1. I miss baby Sam. I swear he was one of the cutest babies ever. I also miss getting to see in person what a big guy he's becoming. Cheers to God's love for our babes.
