Sunday, March 23, 2014

A Few Words

I’ve been tentative in this blog post, partly because I don’t want to misrepresent Matthew and this season, but I think I can now happily report that Matthew is finally saying some WORDS!


He’s also making a whole slew of animal noises when prompted, including horse, pig, kitty, dog, and sheep.

It’s SO exciting around our house.

Just the fact that we now know Matthew CAN talk lifts a heavy weight from this mama’s heart and helps give me some perspective that Matthew’s development will come with time. Sometimes it all feels so slow to me, but I need to remember that he can only develop at his own pace, and my job isn’t to push or rush him, but allow his development to occur naturally as it will.

We're also seeing him play with toys so appropriately. He zooms cars, chugs trains, throws balls, and all the rest. Our boy is finally learning to play and understanding what different toys do, which is such a huge step forward.

I’m seriously proud of him right now, by the way—our sweet boy who is working so hard to learn and talk and grow.

Hooray Matthew!

1 comment:

  1. I'm way behind on blog posts. What awesome news!! Congratulations to Matthew - and what joy to your family.
