Monday, April 14, 2014

Life is Good

We’ve had a really good week around here, between some nice forward motion in Matthew’s development and a chance to be outside together as a family, enjoying the sunshine and fresh air.

I realize that I’m better at posting when life feels a little rocky to me, and I’m not as good about writing blog posts that report a happy home front, but truly most of the time things around here are pretty darn good. Matthew’s making some excellent progress with his therapy, and we’ve connected with a new speech therapist here in Everett at the Providence Children’s Center who feels like a special angel sent especially for our boy. I’m excited to see what’s ahead for him as he continues to develop his language skills.

He’s also thriving in preschool—learning new things, sinking into routines, showing some fortitude for things like circle time and craft activities. We’ve figured out the snack routine (I send him something he can eat with a spoon) and for the most part he has good day after good day.

Matthew is also showing some new independence eating food on his own. He still pushes hard, solid food away (I think he’s afraid of gagging on it) but he is taking the spoon in his hand and eating his own bites of soft things (like oatmeal, rice, quinoa, banana, tofu, scrambled egg, etc.). Our feeding therapist has encouraged us to STOP feeding him entirely so that he learns to eat on his own. This has been hard (that’s my honest confession) but for the most part we are doing it, and we’re seeing pretty amazing results.

Most of all, we’ve just enjoyed some fun day outings outside, and we are seeing such fortitude and spirit of exploration that it makes the days out joyful. Plus it’s wonderful for Matthew to have the space to try out things—to experiment and touch and feel without us worrying that he’s going to break something or get into something he shouldn’t. When we are outside, I find myself letting out my breath, relaxing, and enjoying watching him learn and grow.

And these are the kind of days we have most of the time at our house. Yes, Matthew’s development is still unknown, but we have a kind of normalcy together that feels good—rhythms and routines that make life sustainable and doable. It’s a blessed, blessed thing.

So I’m happy to report a good week around here—with no big complaints and a lot of normalcy. I have no idea what next week will bring, but for now I’m enjoying all of Matthew’s milestones and not worrying about things I can’t control.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful boys. "Not worrying about things I can't control." Amen, sister.
