It was a bit of a weepy morning for this mama as we sent Matthew
off to developmental preschool for the first time. He, of course, had no idea
what was about to happen, so it was a relatively normal morning for our boy.
At a little after 8, I helped him into his shoes and jacket.
His new Cookie Monster backpack fit snugly on his back (thank you, Grandma
Russell) and he was all set.
His big brother and sister flanked him as we walked down the
steps to the front sidewalk. There was enough time to take a few photos of the
kids while we waited.
Matthew and Maya even had time for a short walk down the
block and back as we passed the time.
Finally the bus arrived, and we all boarded it to get our
boy settled. He wasn’t sure about the car seat, but willingly let me buckle him
in and give him one final kiss. Then I climbed back to the sidewalk and we
stood there waving as the bus headed toward Hawthorne Elementary.
This is such a good thing for Matthew—this developmental
preschool experience—but this morning I felt acutely the many transitions our
boy has sustained in his short life, transitions he has had NO choice in. While
I know that this preschool setting is just what he needs in the next step of
his learning and development, for him it was something else that pulled him
from his family.
I just got off the phone with his teacher, Miss Debbie, who
told me Matthew actually had a really good morning and participated in several
of the activities with the rest of the class. She had anticipated things being
much harder than they were. I’m excited to know that tomorrow the routine may
feel a little familiar, and as the days and weeks go on, the bus ride and the
classroom will be part of Matthew’s regular routine.
We made it over another hump with our boy, and it will be
fun to see what this next stage of life brings for him.
Congratulations on this new milestone! What dear photos of your family joining Matthew for his send-off. So glad to hear that preschool is off to a good start for him.