Monday, February 22, 2010


Yesterday our little family of four took a day trip up to Anacortes, where Aaron and I used to live. We visited all our old haunts--gorgeous Washington Park, Padilla Bay, and the fun little downtown part of Anacortes. It was a stunning day--the San Juan Islands were clear and green, the water sparkled, and the sunshine warmed us all day long.

The kids loved playing on the beach, and they also had a great time at Storvik Park in Anacortes. Most of all, it gave us a chance to be a family of four for a few hours.

Here we are at Washington Park with the San Juans behind us

Samuel loves the beach!

Aaron played tag with the kids out on the grass. Sam wasn't so sure about tag.

Hair just like his mama's when she was young.
They called me Lucy Lettuce Hair!

Aaron checks out the water while Maya scales the rock in the background.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

New Cousin

Parker showed up just in time. Maya and Sam thought they'd never have a cousin to adore, then poof, here came Parker. Now Maya talks about him to anyone who will listen. When people ask his name, her "Parker" comes out sounding like "Paco" (she can't say her "r" sounds very well) so we hilariously call him Paco as a term of endearment. Bapa snapped this cute picture on Thursday when Parker and his parents came home from the hospital. I think their faces say more than words possibly could.

Maya and Sam are totally in love with their new cousin!

Baby Parker

He's only been here a week and already Parker has won the hearts of every member of his family. His tiny pursed lips, his little stretches, his squeaks . . . oh, I think I could stare at him all day long. Of course he's keeping his parents up all night, which is why Marmie is camping out at Amy and Colby's house for a few days to help with the nighttime feedings and wakings. But she's the best--She was there when both Maya and Sam came home too, and I wouldn't have made it without her.
Of course Parker's always an angel when Marmie's holding him.

Here he's getting his diaper changed.

And here are the proud new parents, doing remarkably well for having a baby only a few days old.

Can you tell I'm a little enamored by my nephew? He's the most popular guy on the block these days, and we're all feeling pretty lucky that we can run over to his house and squeeze him whenever we want to!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Welcome to the world, Parker Owen Smith

Yesterday our family welcomed its newest member: Parker Owen Smith, son to my sister Amy and her husband Colby. Parker is Maya and Samuel's very first cousin, and they are so excited to meet him and be part of his life. I feel the same way.

Parker was born at 5:15 pm. He was 5 weeks pre-term, so he's a little guy: 5 lbs, 12.9 oz and 19 inches long. He's beautiful.

I had the privilege of helping coach my sister through labor. It was an incredible experience, one that I won't ever forget. I'm so proud of her hard work, her focus, her determination and her endurance. I was glad to accompany her on such an amazing journey.

I wanted you all to meet my new nephew, Parker.

Here he is, just a few minutes after he was born.

The proud mama and papa with their new son.

The birth team, excluding my brother-in-law,
who is taking the photograph.

Welcome to this wonderful world, Parker. And welcome to our family.