Thursday, May 27, 2010

Parker's Hundredth Day, May 17th

In the Korean tradition, the family of a baby throws a big party when the baby reaches his hundredth day. The historical reason for this stems back to when many babies died as infants, and reaching 100 days was a huge milestone in the child's longevity. Of course we had no worries about Parker making it to 100 days, but we still gathered to celebrate in the Korean tradition. My sister cooked a spread of delicious Korean food (bulgoki, kim-chee, chap-chae, kim-chee soup, and a whole host of traditional side dishes). Yum. Plus there was cute little Parker to celebrate. He was in good spirits for his party. Happy 100 Days, Parker!
Here is Parker, sitting in a little chair for his Hundredth Day Picture. We have a similar picture of my sister, when she was still in Korea, on her hundredth day.
Parker is really patient in putting up with all our pictures (our family is still pretty enamored of him), but at this point, I think he's not so sure about all the cameras and flashes.
And here are the three cousins. Happy Hundredth Day, Parker!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Family Times

One of the benefits of living with family is that my kids (and Parker, their cousin) spend plenty of time with their grandparents. Here's just one example: a relaxing evening at home with Marmie (my mom). Sam has finally figured out how to look at the camera and smile.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Spring Sing

Maya's Spring Sing at Preschool was a few weeks ago. I didn't get any pictures of her singing with her class since the lighting in the church wasn't good. But here she is with her brother after the performance, as well as with her preschool teacher Mrs. Sams. The kids sang around 30 short preschool songs, plus each child had a speaking part also. After the concert, we all enjoyed treats organized by moi. It was a great evening of music and friendship.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Maya and Sam sure love hanging out with cousin Parker. I know they wish he was a little bigger so he could actually play with them. But that will come soon enough.